The kick-off meeting (KoM) is the key event in the eHERITAGE project’s life-cycle, as it will launch the joint work of the partnership. KoM will be held at the premises of University Transilvania of Brasov, between the 24th and 26th of November, 2015. It will outline the main problems and solutions posed by eHERITAGE:
- project overview
- deliverable work and task allocation
- future project meetings and exploratory visits
- strategy for accomplishing project’s KPIs
- publications plan
- EU continuous reporting information
- financial aspects
- template usage
- many others
Check out the full meeting program here.
Guests are expected to arrive at the Bucharest Otopeni Airport on the 24th of November. Transportation will either be directly arranged by the organizers or booked as close to the arrival hours as possible.
Recommended hotels:
- Aro Palace
- Armatti Hotel
- Hotel Ambient
- Hotel Gott
Please check with the UTBv before booking, as it may be possible to obtain better rates.
Some Brasov objectives highly related to cultural heritage can be found here.