eHERITAGE debut and news coverage

Project eHERITAGE (‘Expanding the Research and Innovation Capacity in Cultural Heritage Virtual Reality Applications) addresses the “twinning” challenges described in the topic TWINN-2015 of the Horizon 2020 work programme. The project debuted with the 1st of November, 2015, based on a maximum grant amount of EUR 975,625.00 (nine hundred and seventy five thousand six hundred and twenty five EURO), covered 100% by the Research Executive Agency (REA), under the power delegated by the European Commission (‘the Commission’), over a time frame of 36 months, under grant number 692103.

UTBv has 2 project partners: Jožef Stefan Institute from Ljubljana, Solvenia and Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna from Pisa, Italy.

The main impact of the eHERITAGE project will be the increased research profile of UTBv staff, including researchers, professors, associate professors and PhD students performing research, development, innovation and transition to markets in the field of virtual heritage. This will be enabled by the eHERITAGE activities, which will provide tools for enhancing their research and dissemination skills quickly and realistically. Another important impact will relate to interaction and collaboration between researchers (communication, data sharing) and means to easily access the pool of existing datasets, algorithms, benchmarks, standards and protocols and already designed specific virtual heritage applications such as virtual museums. Last but not least, eHERITAGE will set the base for developing a center of virtual cultural heritage in the Eastern Europe, a center which will prove useful to various stakeholders, such as museums and cultural heritage sites, regional/local authorities and other policy makers, educational institutions, cultural tourism, non-profit organizations and NGOs, experts in the field of ICT for cultural heritage and last but not least, other initiatives in the field of cultural heritage.

eHERITAGE is already in the news, in Sant’Anna News Magazine, and will be soon on University Transilvania of Brasov’s monthly newsletter.

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