Upcoming Brokerage Event

The eHERITAGE consortium is proud to announce the upcoming Brokerage event and the second workshop of the project. Both will take place during 5-13th of October, in Pisa and Lucca, Italy, covering 2 international events, the LUBEC 2017 and the Internet Festival 2017.

Lubec (Lucca Beni Culturali) reached its 13th edition. This year’s edition is titled “Cultura 4.0” and fits perfectly within the scope of our project. The IF2017 is a more broader event. We will have the chance to showcase our new VR stands and to interact with a more “general” type of public. The main idea is to reach a wider audience and to follow-up the activities.

eHERITAGE will present VR stands, spread brochures and leaflets and interact with key stakeholders of the project. The brokerage event will hold a round table on “Virtual Reality and Robotics research – a priority in preserving cultural heritage” during second workshop of the project. Our team will present state of the art policies and strategies in the field of cultural heritage preservation through Virtual Reality and Intelligent Systems, with emphasis on specific case studies.

All interested entities are invited to participate to the 2 events and to search for our stand.

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