Our team has successfully hosted the second eHERITAGE Workshop and Awareness day held during the Internet Festival 2017. The discussions revolved over the main things we have accomplished so far, over the activities which we need to supervise and improve and over the upcoming exploratory meeting 3 and the conference from the next year.
We’ve agreed to focus more on activities such as:
- 3.2 Dissemination & knowledge transfer [Lead: UTBv, collaborate: SSSA, JSI]
- 4.1 Integration in EU centres of excellence [Lead: JSI, collaborate: UTBv, SSSA]
- 4.2 Preparation of research initiatives [Lead: JSI, collaborate: UTBv, SSSA]
As for the upcoming conference, we decided that:
- We need to start advertising the event
- We need to contact Springer about publishing the Proceedings
- We need to make the preparations for having a special issue with best papers (maybe in the Journal Informatica)
- We need editors and invited speakers