2 researchers from the eHERITAGE team participated in the Forum of the European Year of Cultural Heritage in Romania, an event that took place between 28-29 November 2018 in Bucharest. The national forum dedicated to the European Year of Cultural Heritage, action backed by the European Commission and the European Parliament, aims to bring cultural heritage closer to society. The event contributed to a better recognition and valorization of the cultural heritage, supporting its importance for the identity and the heritage of Romanians, as an European nation. The event also aimed to present through the multitude of activities and examples of good practices carried out in Romania under the aegis of the European Year of Cultural Heritage, the ways in which the patrimony can be used as a resource in different innovative and modern forms and how to create new tools which will enhance the development of the socio-economic resources of the patrimony. The actions of the eHERITAGE project are closely related to these concerns, thus our members participated with interest in this event.