The UTBv team is hosting between 15-17 March, 2019, an event linked directly to the theme of eHERITAGE: the Transylvania Game Jam competition. Around 60 people will work in dynamic teams for 48 hours, to create a game or a game concept (digital or board game) and eventually, the most ingenious ideas will be awarded. TomorrowHUB together with the Transilvania University Research and Development Institute (ICDT) are providing the necessary infrastructure to carry out the activity during the two days, facilitating the creative process, as well as a hosting a day full of workshops on Game development. These workshops are intended to support the participation and development of those interested in the subject. The theme of the games which will be developed is the cultural heritage of Brasov seen from past, present and future.
To increase the interest of technology participants, members of the Virtual Reality and Robotics Department (VRRD) will showcase the equipment available at the institute, including the holographic stand, the VR setups built during eHERITAGE, not to mention the robots and the haptic equipment from the laboratory.