
  1. An Immersive VR Experience to Learn the Craft of Printmaking. Carrozzino, M.; Lorenzini, C.; Duguleana, M.; Evangelista, C.; Brondi, R.; Tecchia, F.; Bergamasco, M., SALENTO AVR 2016 – Lecce (Italy), June, 15-18 2016, In proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Computer Graphics, pp. 378-389.
  2. 3D Reconstruction as a Service – Applications in Virtual Cultural Heritage. Machidon, O.; Postelnicu, C.; Girbacia, F., SALENTO AVR 2016 – Lecce (Italy), June, 15-18 2016, In proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Computer Graphics, pp. 261-268.
  3. A Mobile Application For Discovering Brasov Monuments Using Augmented Reality. Girbacia, F.; Duguleana, M.; Postelnicu, C.; Girbacia, T.; Voinea, D., In proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Augmented Reality for Technical Entrepreneurs, ARTE 2016 – Bucarest (Romania), April, 1 2016 pp. 23-26.
  4. Time-travelling with Mobile Augmented Reality: a Case Study on Piazza dei Miracoli. Duguleana, M.; Brondi, R.; Girbacia, F.; Postelnicu, C.; Machidon, O.; Carrozzino, M. In proceedings of the EUROMED 2016 – Nicosia (Cyprus) October 31 – November 5 2016, 6th International Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Digital Heritage.
  5. Exploring Pisa Monuments Using Mobile Augmented Reality. Duguleana, M.; Girbacia, F.; Postelnicu, C.; Brondi, R.; Carrozzino, M. ICDH 2016 – London (UK), November 24-25 2016, In proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Digital Heritage.
  6. Reviving the memory of demolished buildings using Augmented Reality. Razvan Gabriel Boboc, Florin Gîrbacia, Aleš Tavcar, Eugen Butila, Information Society 2016 eHeritage Workshop – Ljubljiana (Slovenia), October 10-14 2016, In proceedings of the 19th international multi-conference Information Society, pp. 5-8.
  7. Books in VR: narrating fables with an Interactive Digital Storytelling approach. Cristian Lorenzini, Marcello Carrozzino, Chiara Evangelista, Maurizio Maltese, Information Society 2016 eHeritage Workshop – Ljubljiana (Slovenia), October 10-14 2016, In proceedings of the 19th international multi-conference Information Society, pp. 9-11.
  8. Cloud-based development of a natural language conversational virtual agent for cultural heritage applications. Octavian-Mihai Machidon, Raffaello Brondi, Mihai Duguleana, Information Society 2016 eHeritage Workshop – Ljubljiana (Slovenia), October 10-14 2016, In proceedings of the 19th international multi-conference Information Society, pp. 12-15.
  9. Haptic Interface Design for Experiencing Ancient Works. Csaba Antonya, Silviu Butnariu, Matjaz Gams, Information Society 2016 eHeritage Workshop – Ljubljiana (Slovenia), October 10-14 2016, In proceedings of the 19th international multi-conference Information Society, pp. 16-19.
  10. Interactive VR for the dissemination of local heritage in schools. Marcello Carrozzino, Chiara Evangelista, Riccardo Galdieri, Information Society 2016 eHeritage Workshop – Ljubljiana (Slovenia), October 10-14 2016, In proceedings of the 19th international multi-conference Information Society, pp. 20-23.
  11. Providing recommendations for virtual museum tours using intelligent assistants. Aleš Tavcar, Csaba Antonya, Eugen Butila, Matjaž Gams, Information Society 2016 eHeritage Workshop – Ljubljiana (Slovenia), October 10-14 2016, In proceedings of the 19th international multi-conference Information Society, pp. 24-26.
  12. Using a Natural User Interface to Enhance the Ability to Interact with Reconstructed Virtual Heritage Environments. Silviu Butnariu, Alexandru Constantin Georgescu, Florin Gîrbacia, Information Society 2016 eHeritage Workshop – Ljubljiana (Slovenia), October 10-14 2016, In proceedings of the 19th international multi-conference Information Society, pp. 27-30.
  13. Computer-generated knowledge base for virtual assistants. Aleš Tavcar, Csaba Antonya, Razvan Gabriel Boboc, Leon Noe Jovan, Matjaž Gams, Information Society 2016 eHeritage Workshop – Ljubljiana (Slovenia), October 10-14 2016, In proceedings of the 19th international multi-conference Information Society, pp. 31-32.
  14. Using Mixed Reality and Natural interaction in Cultural Heritage Applications. Raffaello Brondi, Marcello Carrozzino, Cristian Lorenzini, Franco Tecchia, Information Society 2016 eHeritage Workshop – Ljubljiana (Slovenia), October 10-14 2016, In proceedings of the 19th international multi-conference Information Society, pp. 33-36.
  15. A web framework for the creation of virtual assistants for municipalities. Aleš Tavcar, Damjan Kužnar, Csaba Antonya, Matjaz Gams, Information Society 2016 eHeritage Workshop – Ljubljiana (Slovenia), October 10-14 2016, In proceedings of the 19th international multi-conference Information Society, pp 37-39.
  16. Investigating the process of Emotion Recognition in Immersive and Non-Immersive Virtual Technological Setup. Claudia Faita; Federico Vanni; Emanuele Ruffaldi; Marcello Carrozzino; Camilla Tanca; Massimo Bergamasco, VRST 2016 – Munich (Germany), November 2-4 2016,  In proceedings of the 22nd ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology.
  17. Recommender System for Virtual Assistant Supported Museum Tours. Aleš Tavčar; Csaba Antonya; Eugen Valentin Butila. Informatica 40, 2016. Special Issue: Virtual Reality in Cultural Heritage (ISSN 0350-5596). pp. 279-284.
  18. Virtual Assistant Platform. Damjan Kužnar; Aleš Tavčar; Jernej Zupančič; Mihai Duguleana. Informatica 40, 2016. Special Issue: Virtual Reality in Cultural Heritage (ISSN 0350-5596). pp. 285-289.
  19. Using a Natural User Interface to Enhance the Ability to Interact with Reconstructed Virtual Heritage Environments. Silviu Butnariu; Alexandru Georgescu; Florin Gîrbacia. Informatica 40, 2016. Special Issue: Virtual Reality in Cultural Heritage (ISSN 0350-5596). pp. 291-302.
  20. An Interactive Digital Storytelling Approach to Explore Books in Virtual Environments. Cristian Lorenzini; Chiara Evangelista; Marcello Carrozzino; Cristian Postelnicu; Maurizio Maltese. Informatica 40, 2016. Special Issue: Virtual Reality in Cultural Heritage (ISSN 0350-5596). pp. 317-321.
  21. A Virtual Travel in Leonardo’s Codex of Flight. Carrozzino, M., Evangelista, C., Faita, C., Duguleana, M., & Bergamasco, M. (2017, June). . In International Conference on Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Computer Graphics (pp. 310-318). Springer, Cham.
  22. A handheld Augmented Reality to revive a demolished Reformed Church from Brașov. Răzvan Gabriel Boboc, Florin Gîrbacia, Mihai Duguleană and Aleš Tavčar. Laval Virtual 2017 – 19th ACM VRIC (Virtual Reality International Conference), March, 22nd-24th, Laval, France.
  23. Intangible Cultural Heritage: Sound Analysis of the Dacian Draco. Voinea Daniel, Butnariu Silviu, Postelnicu Cristian and Duguleană Mihai. ITN-DCH FINAL CONFERENCE, May, 23-25, Olimje, Slovenia.
  24. Opportunities of Virtual Environments to Drama and Acting. Carrozzino, M., Bartolini, P., Evangelista, C., Bergamasco, M. Immersive Education 2017 (in publishing).
  25. Towards dedicated software tools to assist the creation of Virtual Exhibits. Galdieri, R., & Carrozzino, M. (2017). SCIRES-IT-SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology, 7(1), 17-28.
  26. Studio, implementazione e confronto di percorsi di storytelling per la comunicazione museale in ambienti virtuali. Marianna Colombo, Informatica Umanistica (Master Thesis in Digital Humanities).
  27. Comparing Different Storytelling Approaches for Virtual Guides in Digital Immersive Museums. Carrozzino M., Colombo M., Tecchia F., Evangelista C., Bergamasco M. In: De Paolis L., Bourdot P. (eds) Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Computer Graphics. AVR 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10851. Springer, Cham
  28. Virtual humans in cultural heritage ICT applications: A review. Machidon, O. M., Duguleana, M., & Carrozzino, M. (2018).  Journal of Cultural Heritage, Volume 33, September–October 2018, Pages 249-260
  29. Digital color restoration for the preservation of reversal film heritage. Octavian-Mihai Machidon, Mihai Ivanovici, Journal of Cultural Heritage, Volume 33, 2018,Pages 181-190, ISSN 1296-2074,
  30. Towards preserving Transylvanian fortified churches, Mihai Duguleana and Cristian Postelnicu, in Proceeding of VRTCH’18.
  31. Exploring European cultural heritage using conversational agents, Octavian-Mihai Machidon and Ales Tavcar, in Proceeding of VRTCH’18.
  32. Virtual assistants for the cultural heritage domain, Aleš Tavčar, Jernej Zupančič and Matjaž Gams, in Proceeding of VRTCH’18.
  33. Automatic creation of a virtual/augmented gallery based on user defined queries on online public repositories, Michele Mallia, Marcello Carrozzino, Chiara Evangelista and Massimo Bergamasco, in Proceeding of VRTCH’18.
  34. Exploring cultural heritage using Augmented Reality through Google’s Project Tango and ARCore, Gheorghe-Daniel Voinea, Florin Girbacia and Cristian Cezar Postelnicu, in Proceeding of VRTCH’18.
  35. Natural interaction in virtual reality for cultural heritage, Riccardo Galdieri and Marcello Carrozzino, in Proceeding of VRTCH’18.
  36. Evaluation of using Mobile Devices for 3D Reconstruction in Cultural Heritage, Florin Stelian Girbacia, Razvan Gabriel Boboc and Cristian Cezar Postelnicu, in Proceeding of VRTCH’18.
  37. Surrogate-agent modeling for improved training. Ales Tavcar and Matjaz Gams. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 74, September 2018, Pages 280-293.
  38. eHERITAGE Project–Building a Cultural Heritage Excellence Center in the Eastern Europe. Duguleană, Mihai. Euro-Mediterranean Conference. Springer, Cham, 2018.
  39. Enhancing the Experience of Visiting Outdoor Heritage Sites Using Handheld AR. Duguleana, Mihai, and Gheorghe Daniel Voinea. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Springer, Cham, 2018.
  40. An interactive haptic system for experiencing traditional archery. Silviu Butnariu, Mihai Duguleană, Raffaello Brondi, Florin Gîrbacia, Cristian Postelnicu and Marcello Carrozzino, Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, Vol. 15, No. 5, 2018. DOI: 10.12700/APH.15.5.2018.5.11
  41. CulturalERICA: A conversational agent improving the exploration of European cultural heritage. Machidon, O. M., Tavčar, A., Gams, M., & Duguleană, M. (2019).  Journal of Cultural Heritage.

Under review/to be submitted/to be published:

  • Automatic Question-Answer Preparation for Municipal Virtual Assistants, submitted to Interacting with Computers