- An Immersive VR Experience to Learn the Craft of Printmaking. Carrozzino, M.; Lorenzini, C.; Duguleana, M.; Evangelista, C.; Brondi, R.; Tecchia, F.; Bergamasco, M., SALENTO AVR 2016 – Lecce (Italy), June, 15-18 2016, In proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Computer Graphics, pp. 378-389.
- 3D Reconstruction as a Service – Applications in Virtual Cultural Heritage. Machidon, O.; Postelnicu, C.; Girbacia, F., SALENTO AVR 2016 – Lecce (Italy), June, 15-18 2016, In proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Computer Graphics, pp. 261-268.
- A Mobile Application For Discovering Brasov Monuments Using Augmented Reality. Girbacia, F.; Duguleana, M.; Postelnicu, C.; Girbacia, T.; Voinea, D., In proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Augmented Reality for Technical Entrepreneurs, ARTE 2016 – Bucarest (Romania), April, 1 2016 pp. 23-26.
- Time-travelling with Mobile Augmented Reality: a Case Study on Piazza dei Miracoli. Duguleana, M.; Brondi, R.; Girbacia, F.; Postelnicu, C.; Machidon, O.; Carrozzino, M. In proceedings of the EUROMED 2016 – Nicosia (Cyprus) October 31 – November 5 2016, 6th International Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Digital Heritage.
- Exploring Pisa Monuments Using Mobile Augmented Reality. Duguleana, M.; Girbacia, F.; Postelnicu, C.; Brondi, R.; Carrozzino, M. ICDH 2016 – London (UK), November 24-25 2016, In proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Digital Heritage.
- Reviving the memory of demolished buildings using Augmented Reality. Razvan Gabriel Boboc, Florin Gîrbacia, Aleš Tavcar, Eugen Butila, Information Society 2016 eHeritage Workshop – Ljubljiana (Slovenia), October 10-14 2016, In proceedings of the 19th international multi-conference Information Society, pp. 5-8.
- Books in VR: narrating fables with an Interactive Digital Storytelling approach. Cristian Lorenzini, Marcello Carrozzino, Chiara Evangelista, Maurizio Maltese, Information Society 2016 eHeritage Workshop – Ljubljiana (Slovenia), October 10-14 2016, In proceedings of the 19th international multi-conference Information Society, pp. 9-11.
- Cloud-based development of a natural language conversational virtual agent for cultural heritage applications. Octavian-Mihai Machidon, Raffaello Brondi, Mihai Duguleana, Information Society 2016 eHeritage Workshop – Ljubljiana (Slovenia), October 10-14 2016, In proceedings of the 19th international multi-conference Information Society, pp. 12-15.
- Haptic Interface Design for Experiencing Ancient Works. Csaba Antonya, Silviu Butnariu, Matjaz Gams, Information Society 2016 eHeritage Workshop – Ljubljiana (Slovenia), October 10-14 2016, In proceedings of the 19th international multi-conference Information Society, pp. 16-19.
- Interactive VR for the dissemination of local heritage in schools. Marcello Carrozzino, Chiara Evangelista, Riccardo Galdieri, Information Society 2016 eHeritage Workshop – Ljubljiana (Slovenia), October 10-14 2016, In proceedings of the 19th international multi-conference Information Society, pp. 20-23.
- Providing recommendations for virtual museum tours using intelligent assistants. Aleš Tavcar, Csaba Antonya, Eugen Butila, Matjaž Gams, Information Society 2016 eHeritage Workshop – Ljubljiana (Slovenia), October 10-14 2016, In proceedings of the 19th international multi-conference Information Society, pp. 24-26.
- Using a Natural User Interface to Enhance the Ability to Interact with Reconstructed Virtual Heritage Environments. Silviu Butnariu, Alexandru Constantin Georgescu, Florin Gîrbacia, Information Society 2016 eHeritage Workshop – Ljubljiana (Slovenia), October 10-14 2016, In proceedings of the 19th international multi-conference Information Society, pp. 27-30.
- Computer-generated knowledge base for virtual assistants. Aleš Tavcar, Csaba Antonya, Razvan Gabriel Boboc, Leon Noe Jovan, Matjaž Gams, Information Society 2016 eHeritage Workshop – Ljubljiana (Slovenia), October 10-14 2016, In proceedings of the 19th international multi-conference Information Society, pp. 31-32.
- Using Mixed Reality and Natural interaction in Cultural Heritage Applications. Raffaello Brondi, Marcello Carrozzino, Cristian Lorenzini, Franco Tecchia, Information Society 2016 eHeritage Workshop – Ljubljiana (Slovenia), October 10-14 2016, In proceedings of the 19th international multi-conference Information Society, pp. 33-36.
- A web framework for the creation of virtual assistants for municipalities. Aleš Tavcar, Damjan Kužnar, Csaba Antonya, Matjaz Gams, Information Society 2016 eHeritage Workshop – Ljubljiana (Slovenia), October 10-14 2016, In proceedings of the 19th international multi-conference Information Society, pp 37-39.
- Investigating the process of Emotion Recognition in Immersive and Non-Immersive Virtual Technological Setup. Claudia Faita; Federico Vanni; Emanuele Ruffaldi; Marcello Carrozzino; Camilla Tanca; Massimo Bergamasco, VRST 2016 – Munich (Germany), November 2-4 2016, In proceedings of the 22nd ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology.
- Recommender System for Virtual Assistant Supported Museum Tours. Aleš Tavčar; Csaba Antonya; Eugen Valentin Butila. Informatica 40, 2016. Special Issue: Virtual Reality in Cultural Heritage (ISSN 0350-5596). pp. 279-284.
- Virtual Assistant Platform. Damjan Kužnar; Aleš Tavčar; Jernej Zupančič; Mihai Duguleana. Informatica 40, 2016. Special Issue: Virtual Reality in Cultural Heritage (ISSN 0350-5596). pp. 285-289.
- Using a Natural User Interface to Enhance the Ability to Interact with Reconstructed Virtual Heritage Environments. Silviu Butnariu; Alexandru Georgescu; Florin Gîrbacia. Informatica 40, 2016. Special Issue: Virtual Reality in Cultural Heritage (ISSN 0350-5596). pp. 291-302.
- An Interactive Digital Storytelling Approach to Explore Books in Virtual Environments. Cristian Lorenzini; Chiara Evangelista; Marcello Carrozzino; Cristian Postelnicu; Maurizio Maltese. Informatica 40, 2016. Special Issue: Virtual Reality in Cultural Heritage (ISSN 0350-5596). pp. 317-321.
- A Virtual Travel in Leonardo’s Codex of Flight. Carrozzino, M., Evangelista, C., Faita, C., Duguleana, M., & Bergamasco, M. (2017, June). . In International Conference on Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Computer Graphics (pp. 310-318). Springer, Cham.
- A handheld Augmented Reality to revive a demolished Reformed Church from Brașov. Răzvan Gabriel Boboc, Florin Gîrbacia, Mihai Duguleană and Aleš Tavčar. Laval Virtual 2017 – 19th ACM VRIC (Virtual Reality International Conference), March, 22nd-24th, Laval, France.
- Intangible Cultural Heritage: Sound Analysis of the Dacian Draco. Voinea Daniel, Butnariu Silviu, Postelnicu Cristian and Duguleană Mihai. ITN-DCH FINAL CONFERENCE, May, 23-25, Olimje, Slovenia.
- Opportunities of Virtual Environments to Drama and Acting. Carrozzino, M., Bartolini, P., Evangelista, C., Bergamasco, M. Immersive Education 2017 (in publishing).
- Towards dedicated software tools to assist the creation of Virtual Exhibits. Galdieri, R., & Carrozzino, M. (2017). SCIRES-IT-SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology, 7(1), 17-28.
- Studio, implementazione e confronto di percorsi di storytelling per la comunicazione museale in ambienti virtuali. Marianna Colombo, Informatica Umanistica (Master Thesis in Digital Humanities).
- Comparing Different Storytelling Approaches for Virtual Guides in Digital Immersive Museums. Carrozzino M., Colombo M., Tecchia F., Evangelista C., Bergamasco M. In: De Paolis L., Bourdot P. (eds) Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Computer Graphics. AVR 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10851. Springer, Cham https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-95282-6_22
- Virtual humans in cultural heritage ICT applications: A review. Machidon, O. M., Duguleana, M., & Carrozzino, M. (2018). Journal of Cultural Heritage, Volume 33, September–October 2018, Pages 249-260 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1296207417301796
- Digital color restoration for the preservation of reversal film heritage. Octavian-Mihai Machidon, Mihai Ivanovici, Journal of Cultural Heritage, Volume 33, 2018,Pages 181-190, ISSN 1296-2074, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1296207417305150
- Towards preserving Transylvanian fortified churches, Mihai Duguleana and Cristian Postelnicu, in Proceeding of VRTCH’18.
- Exploring European cultural heritage using conversational agents, Octavian-Mihai Machidon and Ales Tavcar, in Proceeding of VRTCH’18.
- Virtual assistants for the cultural heritage domain, Aleš Tavčar, Jernej Zupančič and Matjaž Gams, in Proceeding of VRTCH’18.
- Automatic creation of a virtual/augmented gallery based on user defined queries on online public repositories, Michele Mallia, Marcello Carrozzino, Chiara Evangelista and Massimo Bergamasco, in Proceeding of VRTCH’18.
- Exploring cultural heritage using Augmented Reality through Google’s Project Tango and ARCore, Gheorghe-Daniel Voinea, Florin Girbacia and Cristian Cezar Postelnicu, in Proceeding of VRTCH’18.
- Natural interaction in virtual reality for cultural heritage, Riccardo Galdieri and Marcello Carrozzino, in Proceeding of VRTCH’18.
- Evaluation of using Mobile Devices for 3D Reconstruction in Cultural Heritage, Florin Stelian Girbacia, Razvan Gabriel Boboc and Cristian Cezar Postelnicu, in Proceeding of VRTCH’18.
- Surrogate-agent modeling for improved training. Ales Tavcar and Matjaz Gams. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 74, September 2018, Pages 280-293.
- eHERITAGE Project–Building a Cultural Heritage Excellence Center in the Eastern Europe. Duguleană, Mihai. Euro-Mediterranean Conference. Springer, Cham, 2018.
- Enhancing the Experience of Visiting Outdoor Heritage Sites Using Handheld AR. Duguleana, Mihai, and Gheorghe Daniel Voinea. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Springer, Cham, 2018.
- An interactive haptic system for experiencing traditional archery. Silviu Butnariu, Mihai Duguleană, Raffaello Brondi, Florin Gîrbacia, Cristian Postelnicu and Marcello Carrozzino, Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, Vol. 15, No. 5, 2018. DOI: 10.12700/APH.15.5.2018.5.11
- CulturalERICA: A conversational agent improving the exploration of European cultural heritage. Machidon, O. M., Tavčar, A., Gams, M., & Duguleană, M. (2019). Journal of Cultural Heritage. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2019.07.010
Under review/to be submitted:
- Automatic Question-Answer Preparation for Municipal Virtual Assistants, submitted to Interacting with Computers